All Behringer soundsets:
➡️ Model 15 - All Soundsets
➡️ Model 15 - 📚 BUNDLE 100 Patches (20% Discount)
➡️ Proton - All Soundsets
➡️ Kobol Expander - All Soundsets
➡️ Kobol Expander - 📚 BUNDLE 100 Patches (20% Discount)
➡️ MS-5 - All Soundsets
➡️ Spice - All Soundsets
➡️ Edge - All Soundsets
➡️ Crave - All Soundsets
➡️ Crave - 📚 BUNDLE 65 Patches + 148 Patterns (25% Discount)
➡️ Edge+Crave - All Soundsets
➡️ Pro-800 - All Soundsets
➡️ Pro-800 - 📚 BUNDLE 250 Presets
➡️ TD-3/TD-3-MO - All Soundsets
➡️ TD-3/TD-3-MO - 📚 BUNDLE 512 Patterns (33% Discount)
➡️ Neutron - All Soundsets
➡️ 2600 - Retromania (50 Patches)
➡️ Wasp Deluxe - Analog Classics (50 Patches)
➡️ Cat - Analog Classics (60 Patches)
➡️ Pro-1 - Analog Classics (50 Patches)
➡️ K-2 - Analog Classics (50 Patches)
➡️ Same patterns in MIDI Format.
"Rave Planet" is a collection of 64 patterns for Behringer TD-3 and TD-3-MO (Modded Out).
It's suitable for many genres: Techno, Acid, Hardcore, Rave, Breakbeat, Electro, and others.
📚 This soundset is included in TD-3 BUNDLE (512 Patterns) with a 33% discount.
The sequences are organized as follows: each pattern within the group has two variations: A and B.
A contains fewer notes and articulations, making it a great starting point, while B is a more energetic and expressive version of A.
This structure allows you to evolve your bass line from "soft" to "expressive" (or vice versa) with a single click. Of course, you can also modify the sequences in real time while performing or jamming.
The sequences are done in C Minor scale, but of course, you may transpose them to any note.
For loading the sequences to your TD-3 use the latest version of SynthTribe app. It’s available on the official Behringer website – TD-3 page – Downloads.
SynthTribe version should be 2.5.7 or higher if you use TD-3-MO.