🛒 Contact me if PayPal is unavailable to you. We'll find alternatives. 📌 Ensure you have the correct synthesizer for the soundset mentioned in the description. E.g. Minilogue & MinilogueXD are different instruments, their presets aren't interchangeable. Contact me if unsure about compatibility or whatever before purchasing. No refunds for mistaken purchases.

Starting from:


Arturia Microfreak - Mystic Pads (50 Presets by Anton Anru)

All Arturia soundsets:

➡️ Minifreak - All Soundsets

➡️ Minifreak - 📚 BUNDLES (20-45% Discount)

➡️ Pigments - Tape Dreams (50 Presets)

➡️ Microfreak - All Soundsets

➡️ Microfreak - 📚 COMPLETE BUNDLE 170 Presets (35% Discount)

➡️ Matrixbrute - All Soundsets

➡️ Matrixbrute - 📚 COMPLETE BUNDLE 128 Presets (20% Discount)

🔔 Minifreak and Pigments presets can be imported into Arturia Analog Lab V

If you like these sounds but don’t have a Minifreak or Pigments and only own the Analog Lab V plugin, you can still purchase these sets and load them into Analog Lab V.

"Mystic Pads" soundset is a collection of 50 presets for Arturia Microfreak.

There are pads, strings, drones, textures. The sound palette is wide: warm and cold, static and rhythmic, tonal and atonal, noisy and glassy, massive and tiny.
This bank of presets is a good weapon for creating mystery and special atmosphere in your projects. It will find its place in many genres: techno, minimal, house, house, deep, progressive, trance, electronica, ambient, downtempo, idm, glitch-hop, breaks, breakbeat, dnb.


📚 This soundset is included in Microfreak BUNDLE (170 Presets) with a 35% discount.

All presets have thoroughly set Mod Matrix in order to achieve and interesting result. Press Mode is set to Aftertouch in all presets. Keep it in mind while editing midi clips or playing the keys.

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